Summer In Europe – A Running Diary

top of rysy peak highest mountain in poland

Summer In Europe : A Running Diary

This is it. Summer 2024. We’re finally doing it. The dream of road-tripping across Europe for four months. After a year of planning, excessive research, sleepless nights, and recruiting friends and family to take care of our home and beloved cats (forever grateful to you guys), the journey starts here.  

The Backstory & Planning

A little background on this trip. We’ve always said if we’re going to “do” Europe, we wanted to really devote some time to it. We’re not getting any younger, we don’t have children, and we have somewhat flexible jobs, so it felt like this was the right time to take on this adventure. 

The first hurdle: Brandon didn’t want to fly over the ocean. After a lot (a lot) of research and the help of Chelax Adventures, we found a transatlantic cruise that would take us from Miami to Barcelona – A 2 week journey. The ports of call included Funchal, Malaga, and Valencia. What a dream. 

From there, we had to figure out transportation. We knew we wanted to drive, but realized pretty quickly that not only would a rental car cost a fortune, it would definitely restrict the number of countries we could visit. We considered buying a car and selling it before we left, but ultimately what I found was that if you are not a European citizen that’s basically impossible. (If anyone knows otherwise please feel free to let me know for future reference!) Thankfully, with the help of a “Traveling in Europe” Facebook group, I found the option of leasing a car. The program was exactly what we wanted, and included almost every country we wanted to visit. It did not include Turkey, but we’ll get to that… We arranged to pick up the car in Calais, France. 

So, the itinerary started to come together. After disembarking in Barcelona and spending a few days there, I took a quick detour and flew to Norway to celebrate a friend’s birthday with a hiking and kayaking trip. Brandon wanted to check out another city in Spain, so he took a train to Seville. We met back up in London to regroup and spend some time with family there. The logistics of getting from London to Calais were some of the most challenging to figure out, but from then on we’d have our own transportation. 

After picking up the car in Calais, we’d drive right to Bruges and spend two nights there. The rest of the itinerary: 

The Itinerary

Things We Wish We Knew Before Spending A Summer In Europe

The hidden costs: When planning for a trip, we usually factor in things like hotel stay, meals, and transportation. In Europe, you also have to think about the hidden cost of just… doing things. Oh, you want to visit this museum? It’s 20€. And then you want to climb the tower in this fort? Another 10€. And then you want to visit this palace? Another 20€. Those things started to add up really quickly, so we are trying to be really selective about which extracurricular activities we chose to pay for. 

Carrying cash: Many people will tell you that you don’t need to carry cash as most places, including markets and bazaars, take credit cards. This is true – except – especially as a woman you may find yourself in need of a public restroom. In a lot of countries they charge a fee to use them. Even if it’s just $1 or less, it’s usually required in the local currency. This even happened to me in a gas station rest-stop in Hungary. You may also want to carry around some small coins/bills for tipping purposes when it can’t be added to a card. 

Packing: Always carry an umbrella. And/or a poncho, raincoat, rain boots – basically make sure you have head-to-toe coverage for rainy days. 0% chance of rain in Krakow, you say? Guess what happened that day… 


A bit about this blog post, and planning for each city: 

You don’t need me to reinvent the wheel. There are hundreds of resources and blog posts out there listing things to do in each city, what to do, where to eat, etc. (I’m a big fan of NomadicMatt, among countless others.) 

Before visiting anywhere, I usually look up the best things to do and see and add them to our travel map. Once we’re able to explore ourselves, I add things we find or that are recommended to us along the way. So in this diary as we go through each city, I’m just recapping our highlights and adding anything important that I wish I had known before going. I’m happy to share our maps – just ask!

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