why you should visit curacao

In the land of flamingos, Papiamentu, and turquoise blue beaches (and a delicious liquor to match), what’s not to love?

Bon bini, and welcome to the enchanting island of Curacao (pronounced Cure-uh-sowe).  Here you can see unique architecture, climb a mountain, do some underwater adventuring, chat with people who speak 5+ languages and, of course, tour and taste at the Curacao liquor distillery.  

Did you know?

The native language of Curacao is Papiamentu. It's a mixture of Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, and African dialects. Many people here speak English as well.


Mt. Christoffel

The highest point on the island at 1,220 ft. You can hike to the top for an amazing 360 view. 

Queen Emma Bridge

A unique feature that you’ll find in the capital city of Willemstad.  The floating bridge opens for passing ships, and lights up at night adding to the already colorful atmosphere. 


Flamingos, found here in their natural habitat, are actually born white. They turn pink because of what they eat (typically shrimp).

Where To Stay

what we liked / didn't?

How To Get Around

Since the island is so small, it is pretty easy to get around on foot. Especially if you are just exploring the downtown area. We used the car to get to the beaches, the hike, and the distillery?

put restaurant recs?

Blue margarita? Yes please!

A trip to Curacao isn't complete without visiting the Curacao Liqueur Distillery. Located in Willemstad, you can sample and purchase this orange-flavored liqueur, made from the Laraha fruit grown on the island.

things to do in curacao

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